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Location codes 21-40 of 557 in Washington, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KYKM YKM YKM Yakima [Yakima Air Terminal/McAllister Field], Washington, US
KFHR FHR FHR Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington, US
KCLM CLM CLM Port Angeles [William R Fairchild Intl], Washington, US
LPS 81W Lopez Island [Fishermans Bay SPB], Washington, US
KALW ALW ALW Walla Walla [Walla Walla Regional], Washington, US
KAWO AWO Arlington [Muni], Washington, US
KOLM OLM OLM Olympia [Olympia Regional], Washington, US
KTIW TIW TIW Tacoma [Tacoma Narrows Airport], Washington, US
SQV W28 Sequim [Sequim Valley Airport], Washington, US
BWS 4W6 Blaine [Muni], Washington, US
KPWT PWT PWT Bremerton [Bremerton National Airport], Washington, US
KSKA SKA SKA Spokane [Fairchild AFB], Washington, US
KEPH EPH EPH Ephrata [Muni], Washington, US
RCE WA09 Roche Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington, US
KNOW NOW Port Angeles [Port Angeles CGAS Airport], Washington, US
KORS ESD ORS Eastsound [Orcas Island Airport], Orcas Island, Washington, US
KPLU PLU Puyallup [Pierce County/Thun Field], Washington, US
FBS W33 Friday Harbor [Friday Harbor SPB], San Juan Island, Washington, US
KSFF SFF SFF Spokane [Felts Field], Washington, US
WA92 Steilacoom [McNeil Island Emergency Pad], Washington, US

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