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Location codes 1-20 of 171 in Nevada, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KLAS LAS LAS Las Vegas [Harry Reid Intl (McCarran Intl)], Nevada, US
KRNO RNO RNO Reno [Reno/Tahoe Intl], Nevada, US
KHND HSH HND Las Vegas [Henderson Exec Airport], Nevada, US
KVGT VGT VGT Las Vegas [North Las Vegas Airport], Nevada, US
KLSV LSV LSV Las Vegas [Nellis AFB], Nevada, US
KBVU BLD BVU Boulder City [Muni], Nevada, US
KMEV MEV MEV Minden [Minden-Tahoe Airport], Nevada, US
KXTA AREA51 Groom Lake [Area 51 (Dreamland, Homey Airport)], Nevada, US
KNFL NFL NFL Fallon [NAS Fallon (Van Voorhis Field)], Nevada, US
KCXP CSN CXP Carson City, Nevada, US
KUCC UCC Mercury (Yucca Flat) [Yucca Airstrip], Nevada, US
KEKO EKO EKO Elko [Elko Regional], Nevada, US
KWMC WMC WMC Winnemucca [Muni], Nevada, US
KRTS RTS Reno [Reno/Stead Airport], Nevada, US
KDRA DRA NV65 Mercury [Desert Rock Airport], Nevada, US
KFLX FLX FLX Fallon [Muni], Nevada, US
BRNM Basin and Range National Monument [Basin and Range NM], Nevada, US
KLOL LOL LOL Lovelock [Derby Field], Nevada, US
KLWL LWL LWL Wells [Muni/Harriet Field], Nevada, US
KELY ELY ELY Ely [Ely/Yelland Field], Nevada, US

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