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Location codes 161-180 of 903 in Australia:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
YWDG WRN Windarling Mine [Windarling Airport], Western Australia, AU
YITT Mitta Mitta, Victoria, AU
YSCN CDU Camden, New South Wales, AU
YBTI BRT Nguiu [Bathurst Island], Bathurst Island, Northern Territory, AU
YBOA Boonah, Queensland, AU
YMJM MJP Manjimup, Western Australia, AU
QDN Eden [Off-line Point], New South Wales, AU
JFM Fremantle [Heliport], Western Australia, AU
YSEN Serpentine, Western Australia, AU
YMES Sale [East Sale Airport], Victoria, AU
YGTH GFF Griffith, New South Wales, AU
YPLC PLO Port Lincoln, South Australia, AU
YMOR MRZ Moree, New South Wales, AU
YBWN ZBO Bowen, Queensland, AU
YFLO FVL Ord River [Flora Valley Airport], Western Australia, AU
YCMU CMA Cunnamulla, Queensland, AU
YEML EMD Emerald, Queensland, AU
SWB Shaw River, Western Australia, AU
YPPF Adelaide [Parafield], South Australia, AU
YWBS SYU Warraber Island (Sue Island), Torres Strait Islands, Queensland, AU

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