
Featured Map for 1 April 2024:
Shortest Path from LAX T5 to T4


T5 catacombs
T4 catacombs
Last November, some friends and I flew from San Francisco to Los Angeles for lunch and plane watching at the famous In-N-Out Burger near the approach end of runway 24R. The event was a bit of a dud as 24R was closed for construction, but I did get to experience my first flights on JetBlue.

We had time to kill after getting back to LAX so decided to explore the inside-security passage from Terminal 5 to Terminal 4 (and beyond to the Tom Bradley International Terminal). The T5 part of the tunnel was nice enough but by the time we got to T4 we were obviously deep in the catacombs of LAX, where few passengers tread.

Today's Featured Map shows the shortest path from LAX Terminal 5 to Terminal 4.

No fooling!

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