
Featured Map for 26 June 2023:
United Airlines' Long-Haul International Network: A Better Visualization


As of June 2023, United Airlines serves or has announced 122 long-haul international routes from seven mainland US gateways with their widebody and Boeing 757 fleet, including

A map of these routes, with a unique color for each hub, is pretty, but if a picture conveys a thousand words the words in this one are rather a hash. There are many destinations in Europe but they trample each other. Both of Tokyo's airports are served but which gateways connect to Narita and which connect to Haneda? (Spoiler: both are served from San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Newark; Narita is also served from Houston and Denver whilst Hanada is also served from Chicago and Washington.)

Courtney Miller and Visual Approach Analytics came up with a better answer. Channeling Harry Beck and his 1931 diagram of the London Underground, and Massimo Vignelli and his 1972 diagram of the New York City subway system, they created a "subway map" of United's long-haul international network. It's brilliant.

Today's Featured Map shows this network using the same color-coding of gateways as used by Visual Approach Analytics. Sadly, it's an example of how NOT to illustrate this network. The subway map (below) is a far better answer. It's linked to the full study. (You might want to subscribe to their newsletter for a weekly dose of insightful analysis.)

Subway diagram of United Airlines' long-haul international network

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