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Location codes 21-40 of 88 in Northwest Territories, Canada:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
CYKD LAK Aklavik [Freddie Carmichael Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CZUE Cape Parry, Northwest Territories, CA
CZFN ZFN Tulita (Fort Norman) [Tulita Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYLK YSG Lutselk'e [Lutselk'e Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYJF YJF Fort Liard, Northwest Territories, CA
CWCD Cape Bathurst (MAPS), Northwest Territories, CA
CZFM ZFM Fort McPherson [Fort McPherson Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CGK2 Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine Project [Gahcho Kue Aerodrome], Northwest Territories, CA
CYFR YFR Fort Resolution [Fort Resolution Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CWSY Sachs Harbour (MAPS), Northwest Territories, CA
CYWE Wekweeti [Wekwečtě Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYJP Fort Providence [Fort Providence Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
TNS CBX5 Tungsten [Tungsten (Cantung)], Northwest Territories, CA
CYWY YWY Wrigley [Wrigley Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CEU9 Sambaa K'e (Trout Lake) [Trout Lake Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYUC Nicholson Peninsula, Northwest Territories, CA
CYFL YFL Fort Reliance, Northwest Territories, CA
CFS2 Fort Simpson [Fort Simpson/Great Slave No. 1 Heliport], Northwest Territories, CA
CEG9 Sambaa K'e (Trout Lake) [Trout Lake Water Aerodrome], Northwest Territories, CA
CWOA Camsell River (MARS), Northwest Territories, CA

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