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Location codes 1-20 of 88 in Northwest Territories, Canada:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
CYZF YZF Yellowknife [Yellowknife Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYEV YEV Inuvik [Inuvik Mike Zubko Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
YLE CEM3 Whatì (Lac La Martre) [Whatì Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYVQ YVQ Norman Wells [Norman Wells Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYMD YMD Mould Bay, Prince Patrick Island, Northwest Territories, CA
CYHY YHY Hay River [Merlyn Carter Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYOA YOA Ekati Diamond Mine [Ekati Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYGH YGH Fort Good Hope [Fort Good Hope Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYSY YSY Sachs Harbour [Sachs Harbour (David Nasogaluak Jr. Saaryuaq) Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYVL YCK Colville Lake [Tommy Kochon Aerodrome], Northwest Territories, CA
CYPC YPC Paulatuk [Nora Aliqatchialuk Ruben Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYFS YFS Fort Simpson [Fort Simpson Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
DAS CFF4 Great Bear Lake [Great Bear Lake Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYRA YRA Gamèti [Rae Lakes Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYSM YSM Fort Smith [Fort Smith Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYHI YHI Ulukhaktok [Holman Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CDK2 Diavak Diamond Mine, Northwest Territories, CA
YDW CKV4 Obre Lake (North of Sixty Fishing Camps) [North of Sixty Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYUB YUB Tuktoyaktuk [James Gruben Airport], Northwest Territories, CA
CYWJ YWJ Déline [Déline Airport], Northwest Territories, CA

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