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Location codes 1-20 of 135 in Wyoming, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KJAC JAC JAC Jackson [Jackson Hole Airport], Wyoming, US
KCYS CYS CYS Cheyenne [Cheyenne Regional/Jerry Olson Field], Wyoming, US
KRKS RKS RKS Rock Springs [Southwest Wyoming Regional], Wyoming, US
KLAR LAR LAR Laramie [Laramie Regional], Wyoming, US
KRWL RWL RWL Rawlins [Muni/Harvey Field], Wyoming, US
KCPR CPR CPR Casper [Casper/Natrona County Intl], Wyoming, US
KTHP THP THP Thermopolis [Hot Springs Co-Thermopolis Muni], Wyoming, US
KCOD COD COD Cody [Yellowstone Regional], Wyoming, US
KAFO AFO AFO Afton [Muni], Wyoming, US
KFEW FEW FEW Cheyenne [Francis E Warren AFB Heliport], Wyoming, US
KSAA SAA SAA Saratoga [Shively Field], Wyoming, US
KSHR SHR SHR Sheridan [Sheridan County Airport], Wyoming, US
KBPI BPI BPI Big Piney [Miley Memorial Field], Wyoming, US
KTOR TOR TOR Torrington [Muni], Wyoming, US
KGCC GCC GCC Gillette [Northeast Wyoming Regional], Wyoming, US
KWRL WRL WRL Worland [Muni], Wyoming, US
KLSK LSK LSK Lusk [Muni], Wyoming, US
80V Medicine Bow, Wyoming, US
KPOY POY POY Powell [Muni], Wyoming, US
KGEY GEY GEY Greybull [South Big Horn County Airport], Wyoming, US

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