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Location codes 1-20 of 418 in Virginia, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KORF ORF ORF Norfolk [Intl], Virginia, US
KRIC RIC RIC Richmond [Intl], Virginia, US
KCHO CHO CHO Charlottesville [Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport], Virginia, US
KROA ROA ROA Roanoke [Roanoke/Blacksburg Regional (Woodrum Field)], Virginia, US
KPHF PHF PHF Newport News [Newport News/Williamsburg Intl], Virginia, US
KNGU NGU NGU Norfolk [Norfolk NS Airport (Chambers Field)], Virginia, US
KPSK PSK PSK Dublin [New River Valley Airport], Virginia, US
KNTU NTU NTU Virginia Beach [NAS Oceana (Apollo Soucek Field)], Virginia, US
KHLX HLX Galax Hillsville [Twin County Airport], Virginia, US
KJYO JYO Leesburg [Leesburg Exec Airport], Virginia, US
KBCB BCB BCB Blacksburg [Virginia Tech / Montgomery Executive Airport], Virginia, US
KLYH LYH LYH Lynchburg [Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field], Virginia, US
KAPH APH APH Bowling Green [Mary Walker LZ Airport], Virginia, US
KMKJ MKJ Marion/Wytheville [Mountain Empire Airport], Virginia, US
KLNP LNP LNP Wise [Lonesome Pine Airport], Virginia, US
KSHD SHD SHD Staunton/Waynesboro/Harrisonburg [Shenandoah Valley Regional], Virginia, US
KCXE CXE Chase City [Muni], Virginia, US
KDAA DAA DAA Fort Belvoir [Davison AAF Airport], Virginia, US
KDAN DAN DAN Danville [Danville Regional], Virginia, US
KOFP OFP Richmond/Ashland [Hanover County Muni], Virginia, US

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