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Location codes 1-20 of 199 in Utah, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KSLC SLC SLC Salt Lake City [Intl], Utah, US
KPVU PVU PVU Provo [Muni], Utah, US
KSGU SGU SGU St. George [St. George Regional], Utah, US
KCDC CDC CDC Cedar City [Cedar City Regional], Utah, US
KOGD OGD OGD Ogden [Ogden-Hinckley Airport], Utah, US
KLGU LGU LGU Logan [Logan-Cache Airport], Utah, US
KHCR HCR Heber City [Heber Valley Airport], Utah, US
KMLF MLF MLF Milford [Muni/Ben and Judy Briscoe Field], Utah, US
KCNY CNY CNY Moab [Canyonlands Regional], Utah, US
KHIF HIF HIF Ogden [Hill AFB], Utah, US
NPH U14 Nephi [Muni], Utah, US
KKNB KNB KNB Kanab [Muni], Utah, US
KBMC BMC BMC Brigham City [Brigham City Regional], Utah, US
KDTA DTA DTA Delta [Muni], Utah, US
KBDG BDG BDG Blanding [Muni], Utah, US
PNU U55 Panguitch [Muni], Utah, US
KRIF RIF RIF Richfield [Muni], Utah, US
KVEL VEL VEL Vernal [Vernal Regional], Utah, US
KFOM FIL FOM Fillmore [Muni], Utah, US
KPUC PUC PUC Price [Carbon County Regional/Buck Davis Field], Utah, US

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