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Location codes 1-20 of 639 in Ohio, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KCLE CLE CLE Cleveland [Cleveland-Hopkins Intl], Ohio, US
KCMH CMH CMH Columbus [John Glenn Columbus Intl], Ohio, US
KDAY DAY DAY Dayton [James M Cox Dayton Intl], Ohio, US
KLUK LUK LUK Cincinnati [Muni/Lunken Field], Ohio, US
KCAK CAK CAK Akron [Akron-Canton Regional], Ohio, US
KTOL TOL TOL Toledo [Eugene F Kranz Toledo Express Airport], Ohio, US
KBKL BKL BKL Cleveland [Burke Lakefront Airport], Ohio, US
KUYF UYF London [Madison County Airport], Ohio, US
KOSU OSU OSU Columbus [Ohio State University Airport], Ohio, US
KLCK LCK LCK Columbus [Rickenbacker Intl], Ohio, US
KAXV AXV AXV Wapakoneta [Neil Armstrong Airport], Ohio, US
KCGF CGF CGF Cleveland [Cuyahoga County Airport], Ohio, US
KUNI ATO UNI Athens/Albany [Ohio University Airport], Ohio, US
KPHD PHD PHD New Philadelphia [Harry Clever Field], Ohio, US
KHZY JFN HZY Ashtabula [Northeast Ohio Regional], Ohio, US
KPCW PCW Port Clinton [Erie-Ottawa Intl], Ohio, US
KMWO MWO MWO Middletown [Middletown Regional/Hook Field], Ohio, US
KSGH SGH SGH Springfield [Springfield/Beckley Muni], Ohio, US
KFFO FFO FFO Dayton [Wright-Patterson AFB], Ohio, US
KMFD MFD MFD Mansfield [Mansfield Lahm Regional], Ohio, US

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