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Location codes 1-20 of 477 in Colorado, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KDEN DEN DEN Denver [Intl], Colorado, US
KCOS COS COS Colorado Springs [City of Colorado Springs Muni (Peterson AFB)], Colorado, US
KASE ASE ASE Aspen [Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy Field], Colorado, US
KAPA APA APA Denver [Centennial Airport], Colorado, US
KBJC BJC BJC Denver [Rocky Mountain Metro Airport], Colorado, US
KEGE EGE EGE Eagle [Eagle County Regional], Colorado, US
KTEX TEX TEX Telluride [Telluride Regional], Colorado, US
KGJT GJT GJT Grand Junction [Grand Junction Regional (Walker Field)], Colorado, US
KDRO DRO DRO Durango [Durango-La Plata County Airport], Colorado, US
KHDN HDN HDN Hayden (Steamboat Springs) [Yampa Valley Regional], Colorado, US
KMTJ MTJ MTJ Montrose [Montrose Regional], Colorado, US
KCFO CFO Denver [Colorado Air and Space Port Airport], Colorado, US
KALS ALS ALS Alamosa [San Luis Valley Regional/Bergman Field], Colorado, US
KLHX LHX La Junta [Muni], Colorado, US
KFNL FNL FNL Fort Collins/Loveland [Northern Colorado Regional], Colorado, US
KRIL RIL RIL Rifle [Rifle Garfield County Airport], Colorado, US
KGUC GUC GUC Gunnison [Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional], Colorado, US
KPUB PUB PUB Pueblo [Pueblo Memorial Airport], Colorado, US
KPSO PGO PSO Pagosa Springs [Stevens Field], Colorado, US
KBDU WBU BDU Boulder [Muni], Colorado, US

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