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Location codes 161-180 of 336 in Arizona, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
5AZ0 Scottsdale [Lyon Aviation Rooftop Heliport], Arizona, US
TUZI Tuzigoot National Monument [Tuzigoot NM], Arizona, US
AZ60 Wellton [Curry Ridge Airport], Arizona, US
AZ37 Tucson [Tucson Medical Center Heliport], Arizona, US
AZ19 Willcox [Woods Bay Winery Airport], Arizona, US
PISP Pipe Spring National Monument [Pipe Spring NM], Arizona, US
01MU Tucson [NWMC/Houghton Heliport], Arizona, US
PARA Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument [Grand Canyon-Parashant NM], Arizona, US
AZ25 Somerton [Tri-Rotor Ag Services Airport], Arizona, US
AZ13 Maricopa [Schu Ranch Airport], Arizona, US
P20 Parker [Avi Suquilla Airport], Arizona, US
SDNM Sonoran Desert National Monument [Sonoran Desert NM], Arizona, US
TONT Tonto National Monument [Tonto NM], Arizona, US
6AZ6 Bisbee [Copper Queen Hospital Heliport], Arizona, US
MOCA Montezuma Castle National Monument [Montezuma Castle NM], Arizona, US
66AZ Mesa [Banner Desert Medical Center Heliport], Arizona, US
5AZ5 Tucson [Saguaro Heliport], Arizona, US
3AZ5 Peach Springs [Hualapai Airport], Arizona, US
70AZ Tucson [Regional Public Safety Training Academy Heliport], Arizona, US
WCNM Walnut Canyon National Monument [Walnut Canyon NM], Arizona, US

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