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Location codes 81-100 of 376 in Papua New Guinea:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
AMF Ama, East Sepik, PG
AYWD WBM Wapenamanda, Enga, PG
AYGP GAP Gusap [Gusap Airport], Morobe, PG
AYKI UNG Kiunga, Western, PG
SBV Sabah, Borneo, Bougainville, PG
ATP Aitape [Airstrip], Sandaun, PG
CPN Cape Rodney, Central, PG
AYSU SKC Suki [Suki Airport], Western, PG
NPG Nipa, Southern Highlands, PG
KSP Kosipe, Central, PG
KTK Kanua, Bougainville, PG
VIV Vivigani, Goodenough Island, Milne Bay, PG
AYTI TPI Tapini [Tapini Airport], Central, PG
AYMN MDU Mendi, Southern Highlands, PG
OTY Oria, Bougainville, PG
AYNX ATN Namatanai [Namatanai Airport], New Ireland, PG
AYIH IHU Ihu, Gulf, PG
AYZN SIZ Sissano [Sissano Airport], Sandaun, PG
DAF Daup, Madang, PG
KQL Kol, Western Highlands, PG

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