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Location codes 241-260 of 407 in Republic of Korea (South Korea):

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
RK2Z C 270 Heliport, KR
RK3A C 271 Heliport, KR
RK6T C 272 Heliport, KR
RK7C C 286 Heliport, KR
RK7D C 288 Heliport, KR
RK3C C 309 Heliport, KR
RK3D C 316 Heliport, KR
RK3E C 320 Heliport, KR
RK3G C 324 Heliport, KR
RK3H C 325 Heliport, KR
RK3K C 332 Heliport, KR
RK3L C 335 Heliport, KR
RK3M C 400 Heliport, KR
RK3N C 406 Heliport, KR
RK3O C 408 Heliport, KR
RK3P C 411 Heliport, KR
RK3Q C 412 Heliport, KR
RK3R C 422 Heliport, KR
RK3S C 424 Heliport, KR
RK3T C 426 Heliport, KR

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