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Location codes 141-160 of 286 in Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire):

ICAO  IATA  Location
FZNR Rwindi, CD
FZBK Boshwe, Bandundu, CD
FZDA Malanga, Bas-Congo, CD
FZPB Kamituga, Sud-Kivu, CD
FZWS Lubao, Kasai-Oriental, CD
FZOD KLY Kalima [Kinkungwa Airport], Maniema, CD
FZDG Nyanga, Kasai-Occidental, CD
FZNQ Obaye, CD
FZJF Aba, Orientale, CD
FZDF Nzamba, Bandundu, CD
FZSC Songa, Katanga, CD
FZCR Busala, Bandundu, CD
FZAF Nsangi, Bas-Congo, CD
FZWR Kisengwa, Kasai-Oriental, CD
FZBA INO Inongo [Inongo Airport], Bandundu, CD
FZUN Luebo, Kasai-Occidental, CD
FZAY Mvula Sanda, Bas-Congo, CD
FZRK Kansimba, Katanga, CD
FZVV Oduku, Kasai-Oriental, CD
FZBN Malebo, Bandundu, CD

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