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Fix location 9W3
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No exact matches. Location codes 1-20 of 133 similar to 9W3:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
LOWS SZG Salzburg [Salzburg W.A. Mozart], Salzburg, AT
PHHI HHI HHI Wahiawa [Wheeler AAF Airport], Oahu, Hawaii, US
SVRS LRV El Gran Roque [Los Roques], Los Roques Islands, W, VE
SJDP Angra dos Reis [My Way], Rio de Janeiro, BR
SATU UZU Curuzú Cuatiá, W, AR
SEGS GPS Baltra (Seymour) [Seymour Airport], Baltra Island, W, EC
KDCR DCR DCR Decatur [Decatur Hi-Way Airport], Indiana, US
SEII Puerto Villamil [General Villamil], Isabela Island, W, EC
CYOY Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier [CFB Valcartier - W/C J.H.L. (Joe) Lecomte Heliport], Québec, CA
HTPE PMA Chake-Chake [Pemba Airport (Karume Airport, Wawi Airport)], Pemba South, TZ
ESSD BLE Borlänge [Dala Airport (Borlänge Airport)], W, SE
KDBN DBN DBN Dublin [W H 'Bud' Barron Airport], Georgia, US
ZSWH WEH Weihai (Wendeng) [Dashuipo Airport], Shandong, CN
ZSWU WHU Wuhu [Wuhu AB (Wuhu Wanli Airport)], Anhui, CN
KSNY SNY SNY Sidney [Muni/Lloyd W Carr Field], Nebraska, US
ZBUH WUA Wuhai [Wuhai Regional], Inner Mongolia, CN
SEST SCY San Cristóbal (Puerto Baquerizo Moreno) [San Cristóbal], San Cristóbal Island, W, EC
WATC MOF Maumere [Wai Oti Airport (Maumere Airport)], Flores Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur, ID
ZSWA WHA Wuhu [Wuhu Xuanzhou Airport], Anhui, CN

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