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No exact matches. Location codes 1-20 of 67 similar to 9IN8:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
DAUI INZ In Salah [In Salah Airport], Tamanrasset, DZ
EGNL BWF Barrow-In-Furness, Walney Island, Cumbria, England, GB
KAVX AVX AVX Avalon [Catalina Airport (Airport in the Sky, ACE Clearwater Airfield)], Catalina Island, California, US
EGCJ Sherburn-in-Elmet, Yorkshire, England, GB
LOIT St. Johann in Tirol [St. Johann in Tirol KH], Tirol, AT
LOIJ St. Johann in Tirol [St. Johann Airport], Tirol, AT
LOKF Feldkirchen in Kärnten (Ossiachersee), Kärnten, AT
DATG INF In Guezzam [In Guezzam Airport], Tamanrasset, DZ
SJGP Condominio Fly In Community, Mato Grosso, BR
DAUZ IAM In Aménas [In Aménas Airport (Zarzaltine Airport)], Illizi, DZ
EDQW Weiden (Weiden in der Oberpfalz) [Opf], Bavaria, DE
SBXI Cachimbo-in-Para, Pará, BR
LOII Hall in Tirol [Hall in Tirol KH], Tirol, AT
18NY Woodstock [Strip In The Woods], New York, US
3CK Chicago/Lake In The Hills [Lake In The Hills Airport], Illinois, US
VALR World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument [World War II Valor in the Pacific NM], Hawaii, US
WV62 Davis [Windwood Fly-In Resort Airport], West Virginia, US
FD25 Vero Beach [Fly In Ranches Airport], Florida, US
3AZ7 Tempe [The Buttes In Tempe Heliport], Arizona, US
70ME Lyman [SWN Pond Splash In Go SPB], Maine, US

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