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Location codes 81-100 of 200 near location 52°55'24"N 1°28'46"W:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
EGBJ GLO Gloucester/Cheltenham [Gloucestershire], Gloucestershire, England, GB (77 mi / 124 km SW)
EGMJ Little Gransden, Cambridgeshire, England, GB (77 mi / 125 km SE)
EGNU Full Sutton, Yorkshire, England, GB (78 mi / 125 km N)
EGNI Skegness, Lincolnshire, England, GB (78 mi / 125 km E)
EGSN Bourn, Cambridgeshire, England, GB (78 mi / 126 km SE)
EGXU HRT Linton-on-Ouse (Harrogate) [RAF Linton-on-Ouse], Yorkshire, England, GB (78 mi / 126 km N)
EGXV Leconfield [RAF SARF / DST Leconfield (RAF Leconfield)], Yorkshire, England, GB (79 mi / 126 km NE)
(EGXV) Leconfield [RAF Leconfield], Yorkshire, England, GB (79 mi / 127 km NE)
EGOW Woodvale, Lancashire, England, GB (80 mi / 128 km NW)
EGWE Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, GB (80 mi / 128 km SE)
EGVN BZZ Oxford [RAF Brize Norton], Oxfordshire, England, GB (81 mi / 131 km S)
EGNO WRT Warton [Warton Aerodrome], Lancashire, England, GB (81 mi / 131 km NW)
(EGCO) Southport [Birkdale Sands Airport], Lancashire, England, GB (81 mi / 131 km NW)
GC0062 Cirencester [RFC Rendcomb Airfield (RAF Rendcomb, RAF Rendcombe)], Gloucestershire, England, GB (81 mi / 131 km S)
EGNY Beverley (Leven) [Linley Hill], Yorkshire, England, GB (82 mi / 132 km NE)
EGTA Aylesbury (Thame), Buckinghamshire, England, GB (83 mi / 133 km S)
EGXD Dishforth [RAF Dishforth (Dishforth Airfield)], Yorkshire, England, GB (84 mi / 135 km N)
EGWN Halton, Buckinghamshire, England, GB (84 mi / 136 km S)
EGUD (ABB) Abingdon [RAF], Berkshire, England, GB (86 mi / 138 km S)
EGSC CBG Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, GB (86 mi / 138 km SE)

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