
Featured Map for 28 October 2023:
JetBlue European Expansion


On Wednesday, JetBlue announced new seasonal service from both New York (JFK) and Boston to Dublin, and from JFK to Edinburgh. Flights to Dublin will commence 13 March 2024; flights to Edinburgh will start 22 May 2024. All three routes will end for the season on 30 September 2024. Unlike JetBlue's current flights to Europe, which use Airbus A321LR aircraft with 24 Mint suites and 114 seats in economy, these three seasonal routes will use Airbus A321neo aircraft with 16 Mint suites and 144 seats in economy.

The announcement also included two new flights to Paris, from Boston starting 3 April 2024 plus a second flight from JFK starting 30 June 2024. These flights will operate year-around.

JetBlue already flies from both JFK and Boston to London Heathrow (twice daily from JFK), London Gatwick, and Amsterdam.

Today's Featured Map shows JetBlue's current service to Europe in blue and the new announcements in mint green. Geodesic ("great circle") paths for the routes trample each other so Bézier paths were used to create a more-informative map.

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