
Featured Map for 27 March 2023:
Porter Expands Hub at Ottawa


UPDATE: This Featured Map was published yesterday with the title "Porter Launches Second Embraer E195-E2 Hub at Ottawa." It turns out that's not true: Porter Airlines' "porter-and-embraer" page listed new routes from both Toronto Pearson and Ottawa but the new routes from Ottawa are being flown with the DHC Dash 8-400.

Mr. Porter
Porter Airlines launched service with the Embraer E195-E2 on 1 February 2023, flying from Toronto Pearson rather than their original hub at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (whence they still fly the DHC Dash 8-400). The initial routes routes were to Montréal and Ottawa. Six days later, Porter added their first transcontinental route, to Vancouver. By the end of February, Porter had added three more E195-E2 destinations: Edmonton, Calgary, and Halifax.

Today, Porter added four new routes from their hub at Ottawa, operated with the DHC Dash 8-400. The new flights are to Thunder Bay, Québec City, Boston, and New York City via Newark. Porter plans to further expand this hub with service to Charlottetown.

Today's Featured Map shows Porter's existing E195-E2 routes from Toronto in navy blue; the new Dash 8 routes from Ottawa use the teal of Ottawa's flag. The map uses the new Bézier paths introduced last week, which helps declutter the paths from the two hubs.

Screenshot of Map Conf tab highlighting Path Type selector
(If you'd like to compare with traditional geodesic paths, click on the map, go to the Map Controls section, select the Map Conf tab, then under Path Options change the Type from Bézier to Geodesic as shown to the right.)

References and additional information:



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