
Featured Map for 15 October 2021:
RIP Alitalia


Alitalia (officially Società Aerea Italiana S.p.A.) ceased operations today, with the final flights arriving last night, just over 75 years after its founding on 16 September 1946. The last flight appears to have been AZ 1586 which arrived at the airline's Rome hub at 11:33 pm local time from Cagliari.

The last flight to the airline's secondary base at Milan, in northern Italy, was AZ 1586 from Rome which arrived at Milan's Linate Airport at 11:10 pm. Alitalia's Milan base was split between two airports, with longer flights using Malpensa, which saw its last Alitalia flight a day earlier.

Many of the assets and operations of Alitalia will be taken over by Italia Trasporto Aereo (ITA), which uses the same IATA code (AZ).

Today's Featured Map shows Alitalia's shorter flights on 14 October 2021, operated with Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft, depicted in red. Cropped green paths show the long-haul intercontinental flights on the last two days, operated with Airbus A330 and Boeing 777 aircraft from New York (JFK) and São Paulo, respectively. (Over the final week the long-haul fleet covered nine destinations from the two hubs, including several short hops over the Mediterranean.)

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