
Featured Map for 22 January 2020:
Coronavirus Screening at U.S. Airports


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced yesterday the first confirmed case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States, in the state of Washington. Last Friday, the CDC announced the implementation of enhanced health screenings for travelers on direct or connecting flights from Wuhan, China, at three U.S. airports handling the most travelers from Wuhan: San Francisco, New York (JFK), and Los Angeles. The CDC subsequently said that screening would start this week at two more airports: Atlanta and Chicago (O'Hare).

Today's Featured Map shows the three existing screening airports in red and the two planned additions in orange. Routes are for illustraion as only two are served non-stop from the U.S., both by China Southern Airlines with 3x weekly flights to SFO (Boeing 777-300ER) and 3x weekly flights to JFK (Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner). Other entry points are served via connections at airports including Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai (Pudong), and Tokyo (Narita), all marked in yellow on the map.


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